How to Write Effective Follow Up Messages For Auto-responders
By Anderson Goncalves
Follow up messages are the key element for making sales with your auto-responder. Most of your website visitors will probably not buy your product the very first time they visit your website; it usually takes around 7 to 8 visits or more for them to finally make the decision to make a purchase. During that time you will need to keep them informed about the benefits of your product and come up with a follow up series to entice them to come back to your website.
One of the important aspects of your follow up messages is your headline. You need to come up with compelling headlines that will draw your prospects attention and get them curious and excited to read the rest of your message. A message with a poor headline will cause your prospects to simply glance over it and not feel like to read the rest of it and they will many times just push the 'delete' button, which is definitely not something you want.
Personalizing your messages with your prospects name and details are also a very good way of grabbing their attention. People tend to respond better when they see that a message is directed to them. You can do that by using the personalization feature of your auto-responder, usually a code that you put in the body of your message that will later be replaced with your contacts details once the message is sent out.
Your first follow up message should be an introduction message sharing information about you, your company and your products. Do not try to sell them on your fist message, just thank them for subscribing, introduce yourself and give them an idea of what comes next.
On your second message you should inform your prospects about your products and services. Get into specific details about what your product has to offer them and how they can benefit from it. Emphasize the benefits of your product and why it stands out from the other ones. Make your prospect feel that they NEED your product and that it is the only one which can solve whatever their need is.
To increase your sales potential, it is important to make comparisons between the products and services you have to offer and what the competitors offer. That way, you can show your prospects that what you offer is in fact much better than your competitors, mention prices and features that are unique to your product or service. Once you have made your first sales and have your first satisfied customers, you will start to gain credibility. They will let you know if they are satisfied and will let others know about that as well, once that starts it becomes viral and soon you will have a list of loyal customers that will buy from you over and over. Ask your customers if they would mind to give you a testimonial and include that in your next follow up messages, so your potential customers will know that your product is praised and endorsed by real people.
At the end of your messages include a PS and let your reader know about what is coming next so they will look forward for your next email. If possible it would be good to add a tracking code within your message links that would take your visitor to your sales page pulling up their name and email address automatically, that way making the sales process easier. Be creative with your follow up messages and you will start generating satisfied paying customers, eager to buy your products and services, and your sales will start growing as a result.
You read the article above and I hope you really liked it. If you are interested to learn more about how to market online get the most out of your email marketing efforts I invite you to visit my blog www.andersongoncalves.com
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