Podcasting - 4 Tips to Better Podcasts
By Marc Bullard
If you aren't podcasting yet, or if you think it's not a viable marketing option anymore, then you are missing out on a lot of potential. Podcasting is easy and a very important tool to market your products or information. There are still many sites that offer podcasts to their viewers. Podcasts are still popular because they can be listened to away from a computer. Here are a few tips to help you in creating your first podcast.
1. Preparation - Gather ideas and write up a script. A script will help you immensely. If you don't want to write up a script, an outline can be a great way to keep organized too.
2. Microphone - You can go all out and spend hundreds of dollars or you can use your webcam microphone (if your computer will allow it). If you get a really nice microphone it will show in the quality, however, the webcam microphone will sound really close, close enough that most people won't even care about the difference.
3. Editing Software - You really should get some sort of sound editing software such as Sony Soundforge, or if you're lucky enough to have a Mac you can use Garageband. You only have to do a few easy steps and your podcast is finished.
4. Phone Lines - If you want to be able to record your phone line into your podcast, you will need a machine called an innkeeper. An innkeeper takes an analog phone line and makes it available to be recorded clearly and easily.
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